Pet peeves and new #ELT blogs

This post is not about my pet peeves related to new bloggers. That would be weird. We could even consider this post to be two separate posts. One in which I detail some pet peeves and another in which I share some new(er) ELT blogs.  I think you’d be very justified to wonder about the connection between pet peeves and new blogs. Please read on.

I started using Twitter around 22 months ago and started blogging around 18 months ago and it has been an amazing experience. I have learned so much and met (both on and offline) some amazing people. It has been incredible for my learning and professional development and it has been a lot of fun.

I often talk with other teachers about the potential benefits for getting on Twitter. Here I talked about 20 people that I met online as I celebrated my one year anniversary of being on Twitter. And here, I wrote about some reasons for teachers to join Twitter. I am thrilled with my decisions to connect online and to blog. It has truly re-energized things for me. I am very happy with my time spent in the ELT Twitterverse and Blogosphere. That said, it’s not always sunshine. Some minor annoyances can creep in from to time.

Pet Peeves 

I was surprised to learn a few years ago that pet peeve is actually an Americanism and our friends across the pond use the term “pet hate.” Wikipedia defines pet peeve as, “a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it.” (Fun aside per Wikipedia: Its first usage was around 1919. The term is a back-formation from the 14th-century word peevish, meaning ornery or ill-tempered.] The Wiki page highlights what I think is an important aspect of pet peeves in that they might be completely acceptable to others but bother one specific person. This doesn’t mean that the behaviors are inherently wrong. It’s not you, it’s me. Also, a few words of cation before I start. I am not trying to pick on, single out, or isolate any specific people. There is no character judgment here. If you do or have done any of the things listed below it doesn’t mean you are a bad person. I think you are most likely a nice person. It’s just that the things listed below can sometimes bug me a bit. That’s all. I realize I could simply stop following or reading the blogs of the  perpetrators of these heinous crimes but I am not ready to take such extreme measures yet. I’d rather just share some personal pet peeves, which are what follows.

  1. People that quote excessively from Wikipedia in blog posts
  2. People on Twitter continually saying that they “liked a video”
    Once or twice might pique my interest but 10 in a row? Or every day?  That doesn’t tell me anything and I have no interest in seeing this, let alone clicking on the videos.
  3. A huge run of RTs on Twitter
    Something like Like 5 in a row is enough for me to get slightly annoyed. I can also say that I don’t really read or click on them because I am too busy being annoyed.
    (Top tip: It is possible to disable RTs from people)
    (I guess it is also possible to schedule tweets so this sort of thing doesn’t happen.)
  4. Sharing old blog posts on teh Twitters  without saying they are old posts
    This is probably the second biggest one for me. I like to know it is an old post or not. Sometimes I get excited thinking it is a new post and then find out it is from the dark ages (2010). I think it is great that folks have so much content to share and I applaud them for continuing to share it. I just feel angry (with myself, with the person, with the world) when I click on and old post expecting it to be new. “Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”
  5. Pre-registering for webinars
    I  fully understand the rationale behind it but it’s generally an annoyance that I would do my utmost to avoid if given a chance.
  6. Blog posts like “The 10 reasons you need to use ipads tomorrow or else you are a bad teacher”
    Why not, “Hey man, here are some ways that I used ipads and here are some thoughts on my experience that may or may not be relevant to your situation but I hope you will read and consider it and maybe put these ideas to use if they make sense for you and your context?”
  7. Blogs that are all framey and require lots of mouse manipulation in order to read them
    No thanks. I’d rather read than mess around with this sort of thing.
  8. Excessive linking to Scoopit and suchlike
    See an interesting sounding link. Click on it. Go to Scoopit. Try to find the same link. Get frustrated.
  9. Twitter advice that is clearly made for marketers or businesspeople and not for teachers
    There is so much stuff out there about how to maximize social media and there is a lot of good advice. Yet, sometimes, I think it is a bit plastic or too much focused on business and marketing people rather than teachers. Fair enough, that was the intended audience. It kind of bums me out when I read slick posts about how to use twitter but realize the goals of those who created the posts are so very different from my own.
    (Top tip: Check out Sandy Millin‘s stuff on Twitter for teachers. It’s excellent)
  10. When people ask for help before googling
    Ohh baby. You have no idea how often I resist using the “Let me google that for you” website or how hard it can be at times to do so. I think asking for help is great and I think it is wonderful that people are so willing to help. Yet at the same time, I think the person asking the question *should spend at least a few minutes looking around before asking for help.
  11. Auto RTs of new blog posts from others
    I have spent some time thinking about why this bugs me. I think it is the insincerity of it all. Why not wait to actually read something before sharing it around? I’d be much happier knowing that the RT was done because the tweeter thought it was worth sharing rather than deciding long ago a particular blogger was worth sharing every time.
  12. People saying ‘This idea is too good for just a blog post”
    The implication that I take from this is that good ideas should be in places other than on blogs. Places like formal papers, conference presentations, and books. Taking it a step further this sounds to me that blogs should just be for bad or unimportant ideas.
  13. People saying, writing or tweeting things like:
    There are no ELT bloggers anymore.
    Nobody blogs anymore.
    ELT blogging is dead.
    For me, this is the most egregious item on my pet peeves list. It’s bothersome because it is clearly untrue. Also, I don’t think it is fair to people that have started blogs recently. It’s probably much better and more accurate to say, “The bloggers that I used to read frequently are not blogging as much as they used to.” This statement would get my understanding rather than my ire. The fact is that there are plenty of new blogs sharing amazing things. I can’t help but think it is shortsighted at best to say the above.

There is plenty of sunlight.
(#ELTpic by @pacogascon

New ELT blogs 

In December 2012 I shared some blogs I was looking forward to in 2013. In the same spirit I offer 2nd installment of the “New ELT blogs” series.
Please feel free to suggest additions in the comments. I have a bad feeling that I will unintentionally leave something out. It’s hard to keep things straight when there are so many excellent new blogs! These are offered in no particular order and no stress or pressure on the authors is intended. The blogs are new or at least new to me in the last 6 months or so.

Documenting Another Year As an ESOL Teacher

Author: Laura Adele Soracco (@djnada)

This blog is on my must read every single word list when I get a bit more time for summer holidays. I had a quick look the other day and was pleasantly surprised at how much interesting material was up in just a few months. The author, currently teaching in China but usually based in the US writes that she is, “currently involved in several projects…interested in publicly documenting all of 2013 as a way to engage in some cooperative learning with teachers around the globe via discussions on this site.” Why not join her? 

Also be sure to check out and share the “Academic English Corner”  with your students as it looks like it could be a great resource.


Author: Jo Cummins (@jo_cummins)

The main focus of this blog is “creative writing activities and ideas for the EFL classroom” and it surely does this. I like how the blog offers lesson ideas as well as some commentary and thoughts to help writing teachers. An example of lesson ideas can be found here in “Mystery Objects.” Jo has also done monthly round-ups which include posts related to the theme. Here is the May roundup. One of her favorite posts is on very short stories and the other is on why ELTs should use creative writing.

The Secret DOS

Author: Unknown/Anonymous/Ann O’Nymous  (@ThesecretDOS)

In a word: Brilliant. In two words: Brilliant and controversial. In three words:  Just read it. The Secret DOS (DOS= Director of Studies) shares his/her thoughts on teaching, learning and knowledge. Sometimes this is done from a management point of view. It’s  beautifully written and extremely thought provoking.There is so much good stuff here but the bold manifesto caught my eye. The comments section are also typically an oasis of respectful disagreement, half agreement, nuance and wonder in this day and age of binary divisions of thought. In case you are somehow not intrigued yet, the Twitter profile for this person reads: I shall wear no crown & win no glory. I shall live & die at my desk. I am the sword in the darkness; the watcher on the web; the horn that wakes the sleepers.
Warning: Sometimes causes headaches because it requires a lot of thought.

Pains and Gains of a Teacher Woman

Author: Sirja (@swisssirja)

I love this blog for many reasons but what  jumps out at me is how honest and reflective the author is. She opens herself up to the world and shares her thoughts and experiences (both positive and negative). I think it is a must read! Describing her reasons for blogging Sirja writes, “I believe teaching is a privilege which entails great responsibility. To live up to this role as a guide we, teachers, should constantly hone our skills and “launch updates in our software programs I hope this space helps me to do just that! I am interested in everything related to teaching, but I am passionate about group dynamics, reflective practice and (very) mixed-level classes.” 2 posts that stick out in my mind are this one detailing a devastating day teaching and this one with some thoughts on being a “Non-native speaker.” Also see her post on Ken Wilson’s blog about the nagging doubts of a NNS. 

ELT + Tech 

Author: Jonathan Sayers (@jo_sayers)

A nice combination of ELT and tech related blog posts. Sometimes includes #ELTchat summaries and sometimes (ok once) posts connected to this blog. Sometimes includes posts related to collaborations with Mura Nava (who is held in very high esteem on this blog) on #teachtheweb projects. Jonathan thought the posts related to webmaking were interesting because they were a bit off his normal topics. Among his favorite posts is  this one on using the Tellagami App.


From @eltjam

Sticking with the edtech them a bit here. Here is a new site with a variety of posts so far including microinterviews (140 character or less answers!), guest posts, and analysis of the industry.  I particularly enjoyed their thoughts on Pearson going full digital. I also thought the insider tips on how to be a published  ELT writer in the digital era would be of interest to many. They seem to be pretty tuned into the industry and appear to be  keeping up with the trends  and I think this is a good blog to keep an eye on. They also have a manifesto which is always nice.

Roseli Coffee Desk 

Author: Roseli Serra (@serraroseli)

On the blog she describes herself as, “A very happy person, enthusiastic teacher, teacher trainer and developer, e-moderator and ELT consultant.” I first noticed Roseli’s blog recently with her excellent post on 12 tips for effective mentoring. Taking a closer look I can see that she has also posted on homework, and her first IATEFL experience. I am looking forward to reading more!


Author: Tom Randolph (@TomTESOL)

A welcome addition to the #KELTchat and Korea English blogging scene, Tom has been a prolific blogger for a few months now. Tom writes about teacher education, tech, experiments he’s trying and more. I particularly enjoyed 7 techniques for avoiding the job interview you want and 11 quick multi-sensory pronunciation techniques. Tom also writes about using video for teacher development and these posts (this series?) comes recommended as well.

No Wind, No Waves 

Author: Adi Rajan (@adi_rajan)

Aside from the lovely blog itself two things jump out at me here. First, the tagline (if that is what is called…subtitle?)  for the blog reads, “A reflective invocation to the gods, tools & scriptures of ELT.” Wow. The second thing is that Adi did what is almost certainly the most beautiful ELTchat summary ever here. I guess he has an interest in infographics because here he shared some tips for making them. His blog also includes lesson ideas and ways of exploiting tools as well as different prompts for writing.


Author: Geoff Jordan (and others)

Geoff is another frequent blog commenter as well as a prolific poster. I am very impressed with both the quality and quantity to go up on the blog recently. The blog is aimed at  those doing post-graduate work in Applied Linguistics and thus has a more academic bent than many blogs, which is not to say that it is impenetrable. I was very impressed with this post on syllabus design which is a summary of Mike Long’s work on the topic. I also enjoyed the very brief reviews of recent articles in journals. I think this blog has a bright future and will be of use to many. Also of note on this blog are the additional resources like suggested readings, a glossary, and even an overview of SLA.


Author: Sophia Khan (@Sophiakhan4)

Full disclosure: It’s no secret that Sophia is one of my favorite people I have never met. We seem to have very similar (ahem…nerdy) interests but usually slightly different takes on things, which is partly why I love to talk about (I mean write on blogs and Twitter) such issues with her. Her wit and wisdom also score very highly. She has posted about celebrating Failure Fest and on valuing the unexpected (with a hint of personal disaster thrown in). I was thrilled when I saw her first blog post, much more than any sane person should probably ever be at the act of a “stranger” deciding write words on the internet in a centralized location.

Additional Mentions by Emily and Jim (@teachtopenglish)
Compilation of activities and games for classroom use
All about TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) By Bob Knowles (@bobK99)
“Random thoughts from a wordsmith, budding lexicographer, and ‘snapper up of unconsidered trifles’  by Bill Rago (@tesolwar)
“A place to discuss language learning and teaching.”
On bilingualism in teaching and parenting
The author has been blogging for 4 months and shares lesson ideas, inspirations and more!

Additional Thoughts

Surely I missed some…. looking forward to seeing what I missed in the comments!
(If you are suggesting a blog, it would be great if it is a 2013 baby)

Also if your blog was mentioned in this post and you’d like me to direct special attention to a specific post that is something I’d be happy to do.


  1. Laura Adele

    Thank you so much for mentioning my blog here! I did not expect to see it as I started to read your list and I truly feel honored 🙂 It’s ironic that I’ve started using Twitter a lot more now that I’m in China when I had thought I wouldn’t even be online much these months out here. Reading blogs and following tips and comments made by teachers all over the world has kept me motivated and engaged while teaching in what feels like an isolated environment here. I love how blogs and Twitter to serve to bring a lot of teachers together -engaging us in beautiful collaborative efforts, like ELT Pics, for example.

    Question about your pet peeves note:

    What do you mean with your #12 pet peeve? if an idea is too good for a blog post, where else should it go? conference, book? I feel like I’m missing something here.

    • mikecorea

      I made some edits to peeve 12 above. I hope it makes more sense now.

      My general idea is that people saying, “This is too good for a blog” might not be considering that the original author is perfectly fine with putting stuff on “just” a blog. I think there is a lot of assumption and “shoulding” there so it bugs me a bit. People use blogs for a variety of reasons so I don’t think it is useful to employ our own assumptions and values on someone else’s work.
      Disclaimer: I have said “This is too good for a blog, you need to do a presentation on this” more than 10 times in my life. #hypocritical

      I love your blog and I was so impressed with what you have put up there.
      (Somehow I missed the updates as they came so I was very impressed and surprised when Josette reminded me of your blog the other day)

      I am so happy to have you as part of the global blogging community. 🙂

  2. Rose Bard

    Lots of great new blogs. I hadn’t read most of them. Thanks so much for the recommendation. Interesting way to introduce them btw. 🙂 I was going to ask the same question. #12 is not clear enough.

  3. eflnotes

    you know my pet peeve/hate? people who write about pet peeves/hates 🙂

    i hear you on the twitter etiquette though don’t understand the framey blog thing? auto RTs and not lablled old post RTs are my major annoyances.

    fab selection of new blogs if i may add to that list – speechevents – a very new linguistic related blog, nice post on suck-teeth gesture; -catanddogme for ELT stuff, their posts brustle with enthusiasm and good sense

    also very very much appreciate the love 🙂

    • mikecorea

      Ta for the comments and support, Mura! Also thanks for the blog recommendations! Very nice choices!

      I almost added something about my pet peeve being people that complain about things without doing anything about it! 😉

  4. swisssirja

    Hi Mike, what can I say!? I checked my phone during the break at school, saw your new post, read the generous lines and shone during the last lessons 🙂
    Swiss ninja 😉

    • mikecorea

      Of course I was going to mention your blog! As Co-President of your fan club it is my duty. But even it it were not my duty I would still share your blog because I think it is great. I thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and time. I am very happy to share such excellent posts. 🙂

    • mikecorea

      Thanks for commenting! My pleasure to share your blog/posts! I hope you are enjoying blogging as much as other people are enjoying reading your stuff!

  5. Adi Rajan

    Thanks Mike. Now that you’ve called out the tagline, I’ll need to ensure that it’s living up to it and not just take the easy route with lesson plan ideas 😉 Feel truly honoured to be included in such illustrious company.

  6. Tyson Seburn (@seburnt)

    I hate links. So irritating.
    I hate preregistering for webinars. Put up more barriers to participation, why don’t you?
    I love new blogs that end up moving into my primary blogs folder.

    • mikecorea

      As I said on Twitter there is a lot of Tyson here.
      The webinar thing is something I didn’t really realize was annoying until you mentioned it.
      The scoopit annoyance thing is pretty standard for me. I don’t want to mess around with whole ‘nother set of clicks thank you very much.

      The other Tyson related thing was how I have appreciated your wording when you said things like “The blogs I used to read a lot have not been updated recently” which to me is totally fine factual and reasonable. The other quotes like, “Nobody blogs anymore” has hopefully been proven wrong. 🙂

      Thanks for commenting!

  7. Pingback: OTR Links 06/01/2013 | doug --- off the record
  8. ljiljana havran

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks so much for the fabulous list of bloggers and very useful links and advice!
    Being a non-native speaking teacher of English is very daunting, since you are at the same time a teacher and learner of English. (I liked very much the metaphor Sirja used to explain that in her post on the nagging doubts of a non-native speaker teacher). I’m a new blogger and haven’t mastered the art of blogging and tweeting yet, but I’m trying very hard and think that I’m improving each day. You’re a great teacher, very perceptive, frank and witty (I particularly like your sense of humour!)

    Thanks a lot for following my blog, I can’t describe with words how much it means to me!

    • mikecorea

      Hi Ljiljana!
      Thanks for the comments. I was very happy to read them! I am so happy you are enjoying my blog. Sometimes I worry that my sense of humor/sarcasm is a bit over the top so it is very nice to know it works for some people. 🙂

      I have enjoyed getting more acquainted with your blog and I found it very interesting and useful! I am looking forward to reading more. Keep up the great work!

    • mikecorea

      I couldn’t find your twitter handle!
      I think I found and old one with no tweets. If you send me a tweet @ @michaelegriffin that is one way for me to know who it is.
      (of course if you’d prefer not to for any reason that is completely fine with me)

  9. Sophia

    Hey Mike!
    Thanks for this post and for mentioning my baby blog even though I only has two measly posts on it (*shame*) I’m too British to go for full love-in here but am very glad to have made your acquaintance over this past year since bonding over Ngram in the dead of night  and, you know, backatcha 🙂 I couldn’t agree with you more that getting involved with the ELT Twitterverse and Blogosphere is re-energizing, and worth it despite some if the downsides of the media. Many of your pet peeves are also mine (I do say pet peeves, by the way, I didn’t realize there was supposed to  be a UK/US difference there…?) A few that have also nagged me recently include “hashtag-swamping” (I made that up) where a community’s hashtag is swamped by posts from one or two people who aren’t even really in that community – sometimes this is inadvertent, eg if that someone is very popular and everyone retweets them…but unfortunately  it can stifle the actual life of the community. Another is basically anonymous trolling. I don’t mind constructive criticism and respectful discussion of issues, but UNconstructive criticism of specific people or institutions without even putting your name to it is kind of dishonest in my book. Anyway looks like I have some blog reading to do – thanks for the tips 🙂

    • mikecorea

      Hello friend,
      Sorry for the sticky sweet words about you. 🙂
      To be honest I was more worried about the implicit pressure to blog more…as this was surely not my intent.

      Nice additional peeve(s)!

      One that I was going to add was something about people complaining about other people using hashtags too much but I figured I was whiny and hypocritical enough in my post. 🙂

      One of the many things I like about twitter is that it is pretty much only real (or real sounding???) names in terms of people I interact with regularly. I agree with you about the trolling but I think somehow twitter (or maybe just those I interact with) is much better than anywhere else I have seen on the net.

      OK KELTchat time!


      ps- LOL @ “bonding over Ngram in the dead of the night.”
      People always ask me about being a night owl but I know there is a time difference between Seoul and Sydney but I won’t do the calculations.

  10. Pingback: Pet peeves and new #ELT blogs | TEFL Movers and...
  11. tomtesol

    Thanks for the inclusion, Mike — you were very helpful as I got going with the 2.0 mentoring. Now I’m in a lull again, but I can feel the new blog topics rising through my murk and I expect they’ll be popping out pretty soon.

    BTW — could you and Sophia get a room, please? 😉 You’re making me jealous.

  12. mikecorea

    Hi Tom,
    Happy to help and share. I can also say I know the blog lull times as well. It kind of comes and goes with me at times. I have tried to post around once a week this term but it’s not always easy.Anyway, I hope this is the calm before the storm for you. 🙂

  13. Jack

    Linking to Wikipedia is usually a sign of someone trying to associate their blog with authority sites in the eyes of Google (an old technique that doesn’t work but somehow is still with us).

    I’m a new blogger too and it’s great to see you list some new ELT blogs. I am going to take some time to check them out.

  14. Pingback: Ten Questions, Asked | ELT Rants, Reviews, and Reflections
  15. Pingback: A bibliography of 13 posts that got me this year | 4C in ELT
  16. Pingback: All about me | ELT Rants, Reviews, and Reflections
  17. Pingback: …In with the new | ELT Rants, Reviews, and Reflections

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