

At the KOTESOL RPSIG “Day of Reflection” in 2015

In this blog I try to share and develop my thoughts about ELT and teacher development. And yes, some occasional rants.

Sometimes I write stuff in other places. Here are some examples.
On the KOTESOL site on how Korea is hub of ELT PD
On the TEFL Equity on myths and stereotypes.
Quite a few posts on the iTDi blog 

If you are still looking for more information about me this piece on the iTDi blog  might help. This profile  (pages 7 and 8 in the .pdf) in KOTESOL’s TEC News also has a lot of info. This interview  on Vicky Lloras’ blog also tells a lot about me.

As of January 2023 I’ve been on LinkedIn here.

Any questions, please let me know.


  1. Pingback: Personal MISFIRES with Classroom Observation (…NOT Part 07) « allthingslearning
  2. Pingback: What do GREAT Classroom Observers “Know” – and, what do they do with what they know? « allthingslearning
  3. Pingback: Mike Griffin’s OldEltPosts | ELT Squared
  4. seanlords

    Hi! My name is Sean. I was wondering, do you ever publish guest posts on your site? I have some ideas for an article about different classroom games that EFL teachers can play with students. If it sounds like something you’d be interested in, let me know via e-mail and I will send the article to you as an attachment. Hope to hear from you soon!


    • mikecorea

      Hi Sean, Thanks for the message. I have actually only posted one guest post in the past and it was on a topic related to a previous post of mine. I appreciate the offer and request but I don’t usually post things like activities on my blog much (more like rants and reviews). I was thinking that maybe someone in the KELTchat community might be interested though. If you are on facebook you can find us there. Otherwise I can check for you if anyone is interested Thanks again for reading and commenting!

  5. John Arnold

    Hi Michael – my name is John Arnold and James Taylor (and Vicky Lloras) suggested that I contact you. I am the events officer for BELTA (the Belgian English Language Teachers Association – http://www.beltabelgium.be). We offer monthly webinars to our members and the at-large ELT community. Both James and Vicky thought you would be a great addition to our line-up. Could you possibly email so I could give you more particulars? Thanks!

  6. Pingback: A look back at 2013 on this blog | ELT Rants, Reviews, and Reflections
  7. Pingback: #KELTchat happenings | ELT Rants, Reviews, and Reflections
  8. Pingback: Maydaze | ELT Rants, Reviews, and Reflections
  9. Julie Blair

    Hi Mike,

    My name is Julie Blair, I have a language learning blog, and I was thinking of compiling a roundup post with advice from the best ESL bloggers out there. You’re an expert in this field, so I just thought it might be worth reaching out to you.

    If you are interested in being included in this Expert Q&A there are only 3 questions that shouldn’t take more than 5 minute to answer. You can also include your picture that we will use next to your answers, along with your link back to your website.

    Just click the link below to answer the questions. Once the article is up I’ll send you an email with the link.



    • mikecorea

      Hi Julie,
      Thanks very much for the interest and kind words.
      I am afraid I don’t have much to offer unfortunately.
      In the unlikely even that I’m an expert, it in some very small areas and I don’t feel comfortable talking about the whole of “ESL” especially since the vast majority of my experience has been in EFL. I am sorry I could not be more of a help. Please do let me know another time if there other things you’d like to talk about.

  10. JeffreyJeff Dillon

    Thanks for this great blog. I’ll definitely need more time, to get through all of the good reading!

  11. suniloneal34

    Awesome blog! It is really well put together. I taught (public and after-school) in Korea for a few years (back to accounting now). I look forward to going through some of your posts to reminisce about the good ol’ times. If you have any interest in free ESL “news” videos (we used to use them for private tutoring) check out my page (or youtube channel): http://www.easytalkenglish.com.

  12. ketaninkorea

    Hi, I really like your blog! I’m excited to read it (when I can) and also share some posts on my own blog. It’s important to connect as teachers from all over. We can share tips and tricks, as well as learn from each others’ experiences.

    • mikecorea

      Hi, wow. Thanks so much for saying hello and for the kind words. It is always nice to meet another blogger writing about education things from here in Korea. 🙂

      • ketaninkorea

        Exactly! I’ve been able to make all kinds of connections here in Korea through WP! I even found out a few bloggers and I have some mutual friends because we teach in Korea. What a small world, haha! 🙂

  13. Pingback: The Rise of the Profane Blogger | aplinglink
  14. Pingback: From our Reflective Practice Group to yours…Holiday Greetings! – reflection pools
  15. Pingback: Long time no listicl | ELT Rants, Reviews, and Reflections

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